¿What is DMB®?

It is a botanical extract obtained from the fruit of Synsepalum dulcificum capable of transforming the perception of taste. It is a scientifically designed ingredient to improve the quality of life for people who cannot enjoy the sweet taste, suffer from taste disorders or want to explore new sensory experiences related to cutting-edge cuisine.



A glycoprotein composed of 220 amino acids (incl. signal peptide) found exclusively in the pulp of this extraordinary berry. It was the first taste-modifying protein discovered by science. It acts on taste buds and its mechanism is based on binding to sweet taste receptors, activating them at low pH.

Novel Food

DMB® is the only ingredient with miraculin that has the Novel Food authorization in European Union, ensuring that the product meets the highest food safety standards established by the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority).

Technology ActivTaste®

The proprietary technology ActivTaste® developed over 8 years is based on the application of methodologies, processes, and trade-secrets to preserve and maximize the sensory effect of miraculin.

The knowledge that has allowed the development and application of the technology to the production process is based on research conducted in areas such as agronomy, food technology, biotechnology, analytical sciences, sensory analysis, pharmaceutical technology, and market intelligence.


DMB® is available in 3 formats designed to enhance the effect of its active ingredient:

Freeze-dried Powder

Bulk tablets

Third-party manufacturing